Content Marketing Strategy 2024

A guide to creating a successful content marketing strategy in 2024

A question that’s popped up more and more recently is, ‘What can I add to my content marketing strategy to be more successful?’.

And it’s a great question.

Many clients initially come to me for their social media marketing strategy.

But once that’s humming along nicely, they start looking for more ways to reach customers.


Because sometimes, your entire audience may not be on social media!

Although social media is still a powerful marketing tool, in 2024, I encourage you to take a more wholesome look at your content marketing strategy and start incorporating more ways to reach your audience.

What should a content marketing strategy include in 2024?

1.     Social media marketing is still hot and a powerful way to reach your audience.

2.     Email marketing is an often overlooked pathway for reaching your audience. You can send targeted emails directly to your audience's inbox.

3.     Blogs work brilliantly to show you’re an authority in your field and provide SEO fuel for Google to help rank your website.

Let’s explore all three.

Social media marketing as part of your winning content marketing strategy

Sometimes, it’s fair to think that your efforts aren’t worth the investment in social media. With algorithms changing and posts seeming harder to reach your audience, many clients wonder what to do next.

But, with the help of a social media marketing manager who’s on top of it all, I can assure you that social media is still a vital component of any successful content marketing strategy.

It’s stronger than ever, and many clients have had great success creating a social media content plan.

Always remember it’s about educating your audience, sharing relevant information, and having fun while letting your personality shine.

Here are a couple of recent blogs you may find handy to find out more about social media and why it’s important:

1.     You can discover my predictions for social media trends (with my top tips) that will rule 2024 here.

2.     You can find out my top 7 methods to boost your social media engagement here.

Email marketing as part of your overall content marketing strategy

Email marketing is not dead! It never was. And it never will be.

It’s one of the cheapest and easiest ways to promote your business.

Think about it this way.

People usually end up on your database from downloading a resource, signing up for your newsletter or meeting you at an event.

They are hot leads and have practically asked you to be on your mailing list. So, they’re expecting to receive emails from you.

But what do they want to receive?

It could be a host of things like:

·        Tips and tricks to remind them of your expertise (so you stay front of mind when they need what you offer)

·        eNewsletters that give advice and link to your latest news

·        Offers, special deals, new products or invitations to your events

·        A personal follow-up as a means to keep in contact 

·        Use it to direct people to your website to make a purchase (hopefully!)  

When used as part of your overall content marketing strategy, email marketing is targeted, measurable, personal, affordable, and can be automated to save time.

Email marketing uses your intel to contact your hot leads directly. It’s not dependent on algorithms, and you’re in the driver’s seat to target customers with offers they want.

Blog copywriting as part of your content marketing strategy

It’s no secret that Google loves seeing fresh content on your website. And the best way to do this is blog copywriting.

When you produce fresh, relevant content, the Google bots will keep scanning your site and ranking your content. The more you create (that’s well-written, targeted and relevant to the keywords), the better your site will ultimately rank.

Not only is a blog great for your website’s SEO ranking, it also serves to:

·        Act as content that can be chopped up for social media (using snippets to drive traffic back to your website)

·        Establish you as an industry leader and help you become a source of knowledge for your customers

·        Create an eBook that can be used as a lead magnet (combine a few blogs, rejig it, add some graphics and your eBook is done)

·        Connect your brand to your customers

·        Become the basis of an eNewsletter so you have something to share with your audience (and, in turn, drive traffic to your website) 

Although you may see blogs as a tad time-consuming (perfecting SEO copywriting to incorporate keywords but still sound human, sourcing graphics, uploading it to your website, etc.), it’s well worth the effort.

Want a hand to perfect your content marketing strategy in 2024?    

Let's connect if you’d like to boost your content marketing strategy in 2024 to incorporate the 3 pillars of success (social media, email marketing and blog copywriting).

For many years, clients have opted to ‘add on’ my email marketing and blog management services to complement their social media strategy.

But in 2024, I encourage you to encompass all three pillars and see that each component is vital if you want a wildly successful content marketing strategy.

You can read more about my services here:

·        Social media management

·        Email  marketing

·        Blog management

Make 2024 the year you hone your content marketing, gain more leads, nurture your contacts and make more sales!



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